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Payment Methods

1.1.5. Payment Methods

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The back-end team handles payments by automatically charging customers' credit cards when they owe money. Customers provide their credit card information, and the developers manage the balance cap.

For example, if a club's balance reaches $55, the back-end team will charge their account to clear that balance. This cap can vary; in some cases, it might be set at $2,000, and the developers control these limits, not the customers.

Balance cap

Customers can add their credit card information, which will be kept on file for future payments. If they need to add another payment option, they can easily do so. Fee Plan

Fee plans will be applied only after adding payment methods to the Organization. Fee plans allow the users to choose different plans according to their requirements. Following are the various plans from which the users can choose to go with:

  • Basic
  • Premium
  • Enterprise
  • Custom
  • Free

To proceed with future payments, the user must link their payment accounts. This can be done by clicking the 'Attach Payment Method' button.

Attach payment method

After clicking the button, the user will be redirected to a window where they can select from various payment linking methods.

Add Payment

By clicking on any one of the above options, the user will see another window where he will have to fill out several pieces of information regarding his payment method. Following are the payment methods that the user can choose to use:

Add Credit Card

Add Credit Card

Here, the user is required to fill out credit card information, including:

  • Name on the card
  • Card number
  • Expiry month and year
  • CVV (Card Verification Value) or CVC (Card Validation Code)

The user can also autofill the card number by clicking the 'Autofill Link' option. If the user's account is linked to the 'Link' ID, the fields will automatically fill in after connecting to their account.